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Our Hospitals

CURE has a comprehensive approach to providing surgical care for children with disabilities. We support their families and strengthen the capacity of local church and healthcare systems in the countries we serve.

CURE Children’s Hospitals

CURE International is a global nonprofit network of children’s hospitals providing surgical care in a compassionate, gospel-centered environment. Services are provided at no cost to families because of the generosity of donors and partners like you.

About CURE

Motivated by our Christian identity, CURE operates a global network of children’s hospitals that provides life-changing surgical care to children living with disabilities.

CURE Overview

CURE International is a global nonprofit network of children’s hospitals providing surgical care in a compassionate, gospel-centered environment. Services are provided at no cost to families because of the generosity of donors and partners like you.


Next Steps

Give, serve, and help kids heal with CURE.

Sponsor a Surgery

Provide life-changing surgical and ministry care.

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Our Impact

Here’s what we’ve accomplished with support from partners like you.


surgeries completed

5.3 million+

patient visits

1.5 million+

people reached with the gospel

Template Title

Bacon ipsum dolor amet porchetta ball tip strip steak, pancetta cupim beef ribs pig turkey venison cow shoulder hamburger bacon corned beef. Shoulder alcatra tri-tip venison ribeye capicola leberkas turducken. Bacon cupim tongue pork chop turkey t-bone kielbasa bresaola prosciutto strip steak rump pastrami jerky boudin short loin.

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