What We Do
Nutritional Support
The children we serve often suffer from malnutrition. We help them reach and maintain a healthy weight.
CURE serves children and families living in some of the most challenging environments in the world, where they experience severe levels of hunger and malnutrition. Children with disabilities are among the most vulnerable, often arriving at CURE malnourished.
About Nutritional Support
To undergo life-changing surgery and flourish in recovery and beyond, children must receive proper nutrition to reach and maintain a healthy and safe weight.
CURE hospitals are set apart from other medical facilities in under-resourced countries not only by the high-level, compassionate care we provide but also by the provision of food to our patients, caregivers, and staff. CURE serves all patients and caregivers at the hospital three meals a day. These meals provide patients the nutrients they need to improve their overall health and recover successfully from surgery. CURE’s hospital kitchens serve more than 630,000 meals each year, feeding, on average, over 100,000 people.
Learn more about what happens before surgery.
From their first meeting with a doctor to diagnostic testing and nutritional support, CURE is committed to ensuring children and families are prepared before, during, and after surgery.